Lemon Curd: A Masterclass with Chef Kriss Harvey

Lemon Curd with Chef Kriss Harvey on the Bravo Executive Evo Machine

Lemon curd is a versatile and delightful treat that can be used in many ways. Its applications are endless, from a tangy sauce on a dessert plate to a tart filling. Kriss Harvey outlines how to make the perfect lemon curd using the Bravo 305 Executive Evo machine, a game-changer in the world of gelato equipment.

Why the Bravo Executive Evo Machine?

Traditionally, lemon curd is made over direct heat or steam. However, the Bravo 305 Executive Evo machine offers a unique “Bain Marie” style cooking process. This ensures even cooking and a smoother texture, making it the preferred choice for professionals.

A bain-marie, pronounced as “bane mah-REE,” is a culinary term for a hot water bath. It’s frequently employed to cook sensitive dishes like custards. The bain-marie ensures the food is surrounded by mild heat, leading to even and consistent cooking.


  • Lemon juice (fresh or frozen)
  • Whole eggs
  • Sugar
  • Unsalted butter

Note: For the best results, avoid using high-end butter and use a simple unsalted butter that works best as it doesn’t overshadow the lemon flavor.


  1. Mixing the Ingredients: Begin by combining the lemon juice, sugar, and eggs. It’s crucial not to mix these too early as the lemon juice and sugar can prematurely cook the eggs. All the cooking should be done through the machine’s hot process.
  2. Setting up the Machine: Navigate through the pre-programmed settings on the Bravo 305. Select ‘Pastry’, followed by ‘Lemon Cream’. The machine provides a detailed process description, ensuring ease of use.
  3. Cooking the Curd: Pour the mixture into the top part of the Bravo 305 Executive. Close the top and hit the start button. The machine will handle the rest, cooking the curd to perfection.
  4. Adding the Butter: Add the unsalted butter once the curd is cooked. Use the machine’s immersion blender to blend the butter seamlessly into the curd.
  5. Extraction: Once the machine indicates that the curd has cooled sufficiently, it’s time to extract. The curd will flow out smoothly, ready to be strained and stored.
  6. Storage: The lemon curd can be stored in a cooler, vacuum-sealed bags, or containers. If vacuum-sealed and frozen flat, it can last for several months.

The Bravo 305 Executive Evo machine simplifies making lemon curd, ensuring consistent results every time. Whether you want to enhance your gelato with a tangy twist or offer a standalone lemon curd treat, this machine is a must-have for all gelato enthusiasts.

Kriss Harvey is an acclaimed pastry chef and chocolatier who has honed his skills under the guidance of some of the world’s finest pastry chefs, ice cream artisans, and confectioners. Opting for a digital approach over traditional publishing, Kriss Harvey releases content online, ensuring subscribers receive fresh insights weekly. With a belief that learning is a continuous journey, Kriss Harvey offers insights into his illustrious career, collaborations, and in-depth knowledge on pastries, ice cream, chocolates, and sugar candies.

For more recipes and insights, check out krissharvey.com, where you can find an e-book with detailed recipes.

Master the Craft of Gelato: Expert-Led Courses for Aspiring and Established Gelato Entrepreneurs

Discover the versatility and efficiency of Bravo Machines with Equipment and Concepts’ Training Courses. Led by Maria Coassin, an expert in the field, these courses are designed for both newcomers eager to master the use of Bravo Machines and current users aiming to optimize their operations. Engage in hands-on training, benefit from Maria’s two decades of experience, and uncover the secrets behind maximizing the potential of Bravo Machines. Whether you’re passionate about expanding your skill set or enhancing your business operations, this course is an invaluable opportunity you wouldn’t want to miss!

Experience the magic of gelato-making with the Bravo 305 Executive Evo machine. Explore our range of equipment and elevate your gelato game!